Kricpy Khera Case Study - Sky Is Your Limits!!

Kricpy Khera is a successful entrepreneur, philanthropist, and social activist. She has relevant ground experience for the perception of the issues that plague the existent model of education. A Krispy Khera case study can accentuate her position as a pioneer in the introduction of necessary change to facilitate productivity. She has engaged herself in a diverse assortment of corporate and non-profit enterprises to advance her ideal for a world devoid of the short-sighted monopolisation of opportunities for the advancement of a select few. She believes in the holistic development of humanity as a civilisation, heading towards sustainable prosperity.


Kricpy Khera was born to humble and caring parents in the year 1986. Life, for her, walked the first few steps in a cosy little house in Amritsar. At a young age, Kricpy Khera realised the necessity for training her mind. The untimely demise of her father served as a catalyst for the young little girl to trot into the arena of the responsibilities that define life. 

She grew up with a burning desire to establish herself as a strong and independent woman. The objective, behind her ardent efforts, was to make herself stand out as an inspiring instance of the contingency that adversity breeds sufficiency. She has endeavoured to inculcate an innovative approach in her life. 

A critical evaluation of the Kricpy Khera case study, pertaining to her growth as a successful female entrepreneur, in a third-world country such as India, would serve to portray her attempts at positively catering to the incessant need for her development as an integral constituent of a progressive society.


The pursuit of academic excellence began, for Kricpy Khera, at the Government Bikram College of Commerce, located in Patiala (Punjab). Thenceforth, she moved to Sydney to enroll at Southern Cross University. There, she continued her educational pursuits in the field of Accountancy. She also earned herself an MBA, specialising in marketing. Her efforts to educate herself were dedicated to ensuring her productivity in a society that afforded primacy to utility.

The exposition of her pursuits, as is reflected through an extensive Kricpy Khera case study, establishes the impression of a woman who has strived to cut out a niche for herself through perseverance, critical self-assessment, and unfailing optimism.


Kriscy Khera adheres to the belief that delimited aspirations can not, and should not, be allowed to define an individual's existence in the immanent diversity that constitutes our world. Her growing years were marked by a retrospective nuance. She was fond of reflecting on the purpose for her existence. From an early age, Kricpy Khera was proficient at evaluation and management. These qualities played a definitive role in moulding the decisions she has taken in the course of her development as an individual - in the professional as well as personal sphere. An attempt at a Kricpy Khera case study can suffice to show the logic behind this deduction.


Kricpy Khera through incessant effort, succeeded in gaining membership to the prestigious Canadian Association of Prestigious Immigration Consultants (CAPIC). This marked the inception of her journey towards realising her business ideal to improve cultural acceptability through education.

The year 2014, however, marked a pivotal shift in her career. She realised that the travel consultants she had entrusted with her ideals were engaged in fraudulent endeavours to make an inconsiderate profit out of the plight of the underprivileged students searching for a way towards a better future abroad.

The Evolving Methodology - Kricpy Khera, aghast at the unsightly turn events had taken, was firm in her resolve to ensure that such an eventuality would not become a norm. Towards this end, she sought inspiration from the efforts of her husband, who had established reputable colleges in Haryana, to cater to the need for education amongst the masses. The ideal, to be a productive constituent of a society that had given her the means towards her objectives, facilitated the evolution of the concept for her establishment of The School of International Studies. Taking on the responsibility of serving as an efficient CEO and Principal for the institute, she was determined to cater to a diverse collective of individuals.


The early exposure to the flawed nuances of life made Kricpy Khera realise the importance of being grateful for the little things. She realised the importance of a holistic education - something which a noticeable majority of our populace still lacks access to.

As is evident from the Kricpy Khera case study, it was her dream to help them achieve their dreams for an education that can widen the horizon for their perception of the possibilities of success that the world has to offer.She wanted the less privileged section of the society to have a fighting chance to segregate themselves from the designation they are usually afforded in a biased society. The School of International Studies has emerged as an August institute to cater to this very possibility. The students under her tutelage have recourse to the possibility of completing their degree, partly in India and partly in one of a host of affiliated universities overseas.

Furthermore, she has strongly upheld the need for educating the daughter. She hopes for the end of the concept of the daughter being someone to be married off at an appropriate age. She has strived to maintain a noticeable presence in the various pertinent virtual platforms in a bid to efficiently spread awareness about important socio-economic and cultural issues.


Krispy Khera , as a successful female entrepreneur, has dealt with the disbelief the society generally offers to such instances of an empowered woman. She has, however, persevered in her efforts to stand at the forefront of the movement to enact a change in the prevalent state-of-affairs. She has endeavoured to reach out to the masses with the vision of effecting this change.

The School of International Studies (SOIS), founded, and headed, by Kricpy Khera, has gained prominence as an established institute that caters to the possibility of an educational experience in a University in another country. It started off with 7 students. Now, SOIS has a student population of approximately 300 students. Having gained credibility in a majority of the Indian states, the institute is endeavouring to spread its roots into a multicultural milieu. SOIS is expected to establish an observable presence in Dubai in the foreseeable future.


The result of a Kricpy Khera case study would highlight the efforts of an individual who has actively associated with people around the globe in a bid to establish a system of education that would promote students to inculcate a capacity for self-sufficiency in the course of their lives.

Kricpy Khera has lived her life as an educationist, an innovative entrepreneur, and a philanthropist, catering to the possibility of a better life for the underprivileged. She has established herself as an inspiration for the younger generation to aspire to establish themselves as positive instances of a productive and prosperous society.